No Matter Who You Are, God Loves You !
Birthdays are great fun, BUT, alright children, first you have to finish your supper.
Janice, Julie and Grandma Eleanor
Ally says, "I'm finished!"
Mr. Lee & Jacob waiting patiently.
Yea!! We're gonna make a beautiful gingerbread Christmas tree cake.
Wow! I'm gonna eat it all in one big bite.
It was hard work,
but finished to perfection.
OK children, now it's time for the REAL birthday cake. It's gonna be great!
Let's see now, what do we do with this piece?
Jacob, Matthew, Ally, Julie
Now, do it like this children.
What is this, Aunt Gigi? Can I eat it?
Happy Birthday Matthew. Let's do this again next year!
Just look at that cake. We can't wait.
I found one in my cake too, Ally.