What a pleasant surprise to have something that's been needing to be done for several years finally get taken from the "to do" list and put on the "done" list by the generosity and care of your children. When we moved into this house in 1968 I built a very nice tool and work shed behind the house. At that time the children were very young, ranging in age from about two years to eight years old. I did most of the work myself, but I had some help from my dad also. He helped me mostly with putting on the roof and shingling it. We moved here in August of 1968 and the shed was completed in November. I must say it has been very durable and lasting during those 39 years. Almost nothing had been done to it. By this time in 2007 the roof had deteriorated so badly that simply putting on new shingles was not enough. The complete roof had to be rebuilt. My son, Ed, had worked a number of years as a roofer. He certainly had the needed skill and ability for the job. Unknown to me, Ed had planned to replace the roof as a gift to his mother and me. It took several days of hard work, but several of the other children pitched in and helped some. Ed worked very hard and would not even let me pay for the materials. Since becoming so disabled I am just not able to do anything physical and I appreciate so much the way the children look after their mother and me.
No Matter Who You Are, God Loves You !