Lake Wateree State Park, near Winnsboro, SC, is one of our favorite camping places. It has large and spacious campsites with lots of shade trees. Usually a nice breeze coming off the large lake. The scenery is beautiful in every season. Lots of deer are around so you have to watch for them driving in the early morning and late evening. All camp sites are 30 amp electric and water. A great campground for fishermen and for families. The park rangers and staff are very courteous and helpful.  We enjoy being there when some of our children are also camping. It's about an hour drive from our home.
Camping at Lake Wateree
Thanksgiving-Nov. 2006
Getting Ready for Bed
Water rushing over the dam.
Sharing Thanksgiving Dinner
Would you just LOOK at that huge piece of cake!
Sharing goodies with the Grands
Robbie & Beth's camper
Walking off some turkey.
Ed & Julie's super dooper tent!
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We got to Lake Wateree State Park, near Winnsboro on Monday afternoon, Nov. 20th. It started raining almost immediately and rained almost non-stop through Wednesday evening, finally clearing off on Thursday, Thanksgiving Day. There was so much rain that the lake overflowed its banks and came way up in the wood behind the campsites. You can see it on some of Julie and Dane's pictures. There was so much water in the lake that when Ed took everybody for a boat ride you could see the water pouring over the dam. Man that made a lot of noise.
Glen & Eleanor's camper
Getting everything packed up and ready to go. Then driving home.
We all had a great time together. Thank the Lord for all our wonderful family!
Dane & Jullie's camper
Wouldn't you know, somebody found a big fire ant mound!
It just wouldn't be a Thanksgiving camp out without a camp fire.
( Grandpa and Beth stayed away from it because of breathing problems.)
Taking a break at Grandma's
Ed's Pontoon Boat
Julie & Dane Setting Up
We had to go to Wal-Mart
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